
  1. Our vision
  2. Santen EMEA raises almost €100,000 to support the ophthalmology community during COVID-19

Santen EMEA raises almost €100,000 to support the ophthalmology community during COVID-19

Tue 30 June 2020

As COVID-19 continues to impact hundreds of thousands of people across the world, many healthcare systems are struggling to cope with the strain imposed by the virus. 

As a global healthcare company our mission is to contribute to the well-being of patients, their loved ones and consequently to society – and we take our role in supporting communities seriously. That’s why, for the past six weeks, staff from across the region have donated funds as part of the 10,000 Hours initiative to support ophthalmology organisations in maintaining care for patients in the face of impacted services, reduced staffing or limited resources. 

Following many generous donations by Santen staff and with each donation matched Euro for Euro by Santen, a grand total of €98,913 has been raised to support numerous ophthalmology organisations across EMEA. The amount raised has been donated at a grass roots level to local ophthalmology charities or initiatives that continue to provide care and support to the ophthalmology community during the pandemic. 

Santen EMEA has now donated 3,340 hours

This €98,913 is equivalent to 1,717 working hours, meaning that in total, since 4 July 2018, Santen EMEA has now donated 3,340 hours of our collective time towards our 10,000 hours target. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Santen would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those working to provide care at the frontline, as well as those who continue to support people with eye health conditions. All of our thoughts are with those directly affected by the virus, particularly those who are sick, and we remain grateful and inspired by healthcare workers and their continued efforts to care for patients and support our communities. 

Document no: NP-No product-EMEA-0042
Date of preparation: June 2020